Meet the Artists

Immerse yourself in the creative brilliance of the LGBTQ+ community at the SaMo PRIDE Festival's "Colors of PRIDE" photobooth installations. As you explore the festival, you'll discover six extraordinary and unique photobooth installations crafted by talented LGBTQ+ artists. Spanning the vibrant Third Street Promenade, Santa Monica Place, and the iconic Santa Monica Pier, these photobooths offer a glimpse into the artistic vision and personal stories of the creators.

Colors of Pride is funded in partnership with Santa Monica Cultural Affairs.



BEN PHEN (he/him)  

Ben Phen is a Multimedia Artist, Designer, and Actor living in Los Angeles CA, working Digital and Traditional mediums. 
@phenjamin | Shop: @benphenstudio | Art Tag  #benphenart

"Dermetaglyph Synthesis"

The primary idea of this installation is about coming together in unity from diversity, stronger together, healing and understanding within our community. The two hands holding, are the spectrum or "rainbow" of humanity,  in the spirit of mutual aid and love. 

The background harkens to ancient cave paintings where people leave their hand print mark on the walls of a gathering space, as well as fingerprints that we leave on all surfaces.  This gives the idea that we can all leave our mark through intentional actions of life for the betterment of our environment and society. The digital "Cave Painting " encompasses the space,  visually referencing the optimism of the 1990s, early internet aesthetic, as a time of global connection, with a celebration in the energy of the Olympics, Video Games and Meta--Spaces. 

This forms a "Temporary Autonomous Zone" or T.A.Z. based on the philosophy of poet Hakim Bey.




A self-taught artist and native Angeleno. In 1998, he started his career. In 2013, it took a sharp turn when he read a quote in an Alexander McQueen biography. He referred to himself, not as a black sheep, but as a ‘pink sheep.’ It was a magic moment, it felt personal. He was different, this was different. Even though he had no idea of what it meant, inspiration started flowing through from every direction. He felt overwhelmed. He purchased a toy sheep and started doodling. Eventually, a shape took form and he knew 'it' was 'it' when he saw the shape. It felt like he had seen it before, like it had always existed. The shape led him to create characters of all sorts. (he has about 1000 characters). He didn’t expect to be working out on the streets, but he knew that SHEƎP belonged out and about. What started off as sticker art turned into a multi layered series of ideas and mediums. ‘e(we) are ALL Queer' is the message behind SHEƎP. e(we) are all different. It’s a truth that connects us all. SHEƎP are his expressions of joy. It’s feel-good-art with a heart and soul. He feels lucky and grateful to work from this magical source, knowing that he’s doing exactly what he was meant to do…create a world of SHEƎP for everyone to InJoy. | @littlericky001


"Free To Be E(WE)"

A playful immersive installation that invites ewe to be part of my world of SHEƎP Moonsters. My Moonsters are a symbol of joy and queerness. Being different, accepting and embracing our own and each other's differences is what they represent. It's a playful space that encourages the idea of being free to be ewe.



Leila Youssefi, or LvL Up Kid, is a Persian-American artist and environmentalist. Through public art, illustration, and interactive community spaces, her artistic work focuses on the wellbeing of society through themes of equity, sustainability, and positivity. Leila’s pieces often include playful creatures that aim to liberate us from ourselves. She believes the following as a truth to be visually explored; as humans are all slowly mixing color and race, the key to a compassionate future lies in the collective understanding that underneath our color – we are entirely soul brothers and sisters. |  @lvlupkid

"A Perfect Pride Day"

This design is inspired by the perfect Pride parade day. It's a joyful scene of individuals walking in the parade together, raising the Rainbow flag proudly. The path that guides their way is inspired by balloon floats, and painted in the Trans flag colors. It's a cheerful and fantastical moment of self-love.



HOOTNANNIE (they/them/she/her) 

Annie Hong aka HOOTNANNIE is a self-taught Visual Artist currently based in Los Angeles, CA. They began publicly showcasing their art in 2014 in San Francisco and has since been featured in numerous exhibitions and spaces locally and internationally. Their current concentration lies in executing large-scale murals and public art projects as these provide the most direct access in sharing their message with their community. Hong’s work can be described as an eclectic blend of pop art infused with bold and vivid colors, patterns, and poetry. Their work often incorporates uplifting, inspirational messages and whimsical wordplay scattered amongst a hypnotizing array of bright colors and playful patterns. They aim to express a familiar sensation of emotions and nostalgia all of us have collectively shared through patterns found in life to show how we are all inherently connected. Hong also incorporates frequent themes of intersectional feminist, queer, and marginalized identities within the various projects and series they pursue.


Colorful, abstract design base with a short phrase as the main subject of the install




Josh Sassoon is a visual artist and product designer based in California.

"Progress Flag & Triangles"

The pink triangle has been a symbol for the LGBT community, initially intended as a badge of shame, but later reclaimed as a positive symbol of self-identity and love for queerness. These installations are intended to represent our community's progress and visibility by expanding the pink triangle and queer flag into 3 dimensional spaces that can provide a safe space for exploration, shelter and fun.